Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Finding Querencia: When asked to describe a place where we find safety and strength rooted in space or time, I realize that I don’t want my strength to come from without. I want strength to be rooted deep within my soul, to find peace and tranquility wherever I am, whatever I’m doing, regardless of time, place, season, or whatever IS or IS NOT. Yet, what feeds the soul? What provides for that Inner Strength? Nature must…but not all varieties…Yes, I’m picky.

I want sunlight, but not overbearing harshness. I want wide open spaces – but not at the expense of trees and mountains. I want the whisper of a breeze, the warmth of sunshine on my shoulders, the rich scent of sun-warmed pine needles. I need the sound of crickets and birds, especially the mourning dove and the low whoop of the night hawk. I need the chatter of chipmunks. These are things that fill the soul, that provide a reserve of endurance and hope, that help erase the battle scars of daily interaction with humanity.

Author’s Note: I recently found this entry in an old Writer’s Notebook. It was written in July of 2002.
by April Neimela

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