Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Gathering Leaves

There are so many poems that work well for writing centering around the season of autumn. Here is a favorite of mine you might be able to use in some way for your own inspiration or with your students.

Gathering Leaves

by Robert Frost

Spades take up leaves
No better than spoons,
And bags full of leaves
Are light as balloons.
I make a great noise
Of rustling all day
Like rabbit and deer
Running away.
But the mountains I raise
Elude my embrace,
Flowing over my arms
And into my face.
I may load and unload
Again and again
Till I fill the whole shed,
And what have I then?
Next to nothing for weight,
And since they grew duller
From contact with earth,
Next to nothing for color.
Next to nothing for use.
But a crop is a crop,
And who's to say where
The harvest shall stop?

Friday, August 7, 2009


I love this poem by Mary Oliver. It inspires me to write poetry! cw


I want to make poems that say right out, plainly,
what I mean, that don't go looking for the
laces of elaboration, puffed sleeves. I want to
keep close and use often words like
heavy, heart, joy, soon, and to cherish
the question mark and her bold sister

the dash. I want to write with quiet hands. I
want to write while crossing the fields that are
fresh with daises and everlasting and the
ordinary grass. I want to make poems while thinking of
the bread of heaven and the
cup of astonishment; let them be

songs in which nothing is neglected,
not a hope, not a promise. I want to make poems
that look into the earth and the heavens
and see the unseeable. I want them to honor
both the heart of faith, and the light of the world;
the gladness that says, without any words, everything.

~ Mary Oliver ~

(New and Selected Poems Volume Two)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

NIWP Writiing Retreat 2009

The annual NIWP Writing Retreat was moved to a new location and different week this year. We held the retreat at Camp N Sid Sen on Coeur d'Alene Lake the second week of July. Bill Woolum returned as the visiting writer and the participants immersed themselves in creating poetry, memoir, novel writing, and nonfiction. The new location was a perfect setting for retreating and writing. Between the delicious meals, the lake for swimming and boating, and the lovely lodge we had all to ourselves it was hard to leave! The Writing Retreat will be held next year July 12-16th. Watch this site or our website at for information.

Reflecting On The Summer Institute 2009

I also had the priviledge to spend three of the four weeks with this amazing group of fellows at the summer institute. Every time I have been involved with the SI I come away with new teaching ideas, more wisdom, and a stronger community of writers.
We enjoyed lots of coffee, and the last week were re-energized with chocolate.
We also had some fine Friday feasts!
Many meaningful discussions were held. Here Mercedes and Timothy are designing a rubric for a muffin.
At the end everyone was still smiling!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Summer Institute Enters Final Week

The energy and synergy of the 2009 NIWP Summer Institute Fellows know no bounds.

Thus far, we've covered the educational playground of the Titans, and these Fellows have dived right in, proving they're reflective practitioners committed to best practices, excellence, and professionalism. They have certainly earned the right to be called Teacher Consultants for the Northwest Inland Writing Project.

Month in Review:

Readings, reader responses (all conducted via Fellow blogs which greatly enhanced the dialogue, digging deeper, and critical thinking levels of all involved), and writing, writing, writing culminated in a month chock-full of analyzing and synthesizing and evaluating. We've covered a lot of ground, but we always took the time (and the Fellows gave generously of their dedication and energy) to dig deeper, reach farther, and extend into the realm of putting theory into practice.

A Glance at our Reading:

A Glance at our Writing: Although Fellows dipped into many different modes and projects this month, exposing their innate word crafting skills and passion for sound, by the end of the four weeks each was invited to hand in a total of three projects that had been taken through the writing process, one of which was publication ready. Grounded in our belief that student choice is an integral part of our educational philosophy, our Fellows were encouraged to choose assignments that reflected their journeys, their goals, and their interests.

Writing Options:

  • Publication paper
  • Personal writing: memoir or collection of poetry
  • Inquiry paper/project
  • Philosophy presentation
  • Digital story-telling
  • Book review
  • Reflection article
  • Others as negotiated with facilitators

Continuity Opportunity: By accepting the NIWP fellowship, Teacher Constultants agree to attend or present at the spring conference. A strand at the Spring Conference is dedicated to continuity for the further development and reflection of our TCs.

A Sampling of our Workshop Titles:

Look for us at the Spring Conference, March 10-11, 2010

  • Teaching Audience and Purpose Using Modern Media
  • Worming More Meaning out of Reading
  • Bring Multicultural Literacy into the Classroom to Motivate Writing and Reading
  • How to Start Writing a Memoir
  • Keeping Open an Inquiry: Brainstorming and Prewriting for Academic Writing
  • Sentence Savvy: How to Avoid Writing Ponderous, Boring, Confusing, and Lackluster Sentences
  • Five Brush Strokes for Authors: Infusing Grammar with Writing Instruction
  • Using Metaphor to Deepen Reading and Enhance Writing
  • Purposeful Publishing: Ideas to Produce Authentic Published Work
  • Approaching Test Writing as a Genre within Writing Workshop

Our Teacher Consultants also select two Continuity Options for the 2009-2010 school year. This is an opportunity to deepen learning, extend experience, and utilize the knowledge and expertise of the TC. Possible options are listed below:

  • Young Authors Conference: present or bring students to the YAC;
  • Open Institutes: attend or present in any of the open institutes that NIWP offers;
  • Summer Institute Showcase: present demo workshop at 2010 SI;
  • Writing Retreat: attend the 2010 writing retreat;
  • Advanced Institute: attend or present at the one week advanced institute in 2010;
  • Volunteer to chair or co-chair an NIWP committee

Friday, July 24, 2009

Facebook Account

We've been diligently working to bring NIWP into the 21st century with social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and now Blogger.

Our success depends upon so much: not only the commitment of TCs to add content, spread the word, upload pictures and information, but also the value of such "stuff" is important. We don't want to inundate you with non-essential verbage but instead provide timely (succinct) news bits.

Please let me know if you have any advice, tips, or simply would like to help keep content updated!